【李遠哲博士 響應「週一無肉日」少吃肉存活率較大】



百年內地球恐滅 李遠哲:少吃肉存活率較大


由各界人士共同推動的「周一無肉日聯絡平台」,去年921 宣告成立,為使活動推展更順利,該平台最近拍攝李遠哲響應活動的VCR,廣為宣傳。



【2010/09/21 聯合晚報】http://www.udn.com/2010/9/21/NEWS/HEALTH/HEA2/5862582.shtml

 Nobel laureate urges less meat consumption
Focus Taiwan, 2010/09/21

Taipei, Sept. 21 (CNA) Chemistry Nobel Laureate Lee Yuan-tseh said in a discussion Tuesday to mark the first anniversary of a Meat Free Monday initiative that mankind's chances of survival on Earth would increase if fewer people ate meat.

In a video presentation at a press conference on the vegetarian campaign in Taipei, Lee urged people to live a simpler and more thrifty life that would include eating less meat and more vegetables.

"The fewer meat consumers there are, the better humans' chances of survival on the planet," said Lee, a former president of Academia Sinica, Taiwan's highest research institute.

If humans fail to take any action, floods and droughts would become more serious, he said.

The 74-year-old also warned that the human race could become extinct in another 100 years if the level of greenhouse gases continues to rise at unprecedented rates.

Meat Free Monday in Taiwan was initiated in 2009 by writer Su Hsiao-huan and environmentalists Hsu Jen-hsiu and Hu Ya-mei, with the aim of raising public awareness of the environmental impact of meat production and consumption. It promotes the idea of making a difference by eating vegetarian


生食——粉紅芽菜手捲 2010-1...
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